
The ESP Websites Admin enables you to manage your ESP Website(s) and Company Store(s).

To access the ESP Websites Admin, open your internet browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer 11, etc.) and type: in the address bar.

Log in using your ESP Username or email, followed by your password. Then, click on the Log In button.

The "Keep me logged in" field will ensure that you remained logged into ESP. This is known as persistent authentication and means that ESP will keep you logged in, even if you are inactive for long periods of time. You will remain logged into ESP in your browser unless you use the Logout button, clear your browser’s cache or log in on another browser. If you need assistance logging in, please review the Reset My Password section of the Log Into ESP article.
Note: The "Keep me logged in" checkbox will be automatically checked, so be sure to log out on public computers.

Once you have logged into ESP, click on the ESP Websites tab to open the ESP Websites Admin.

On the Websites Admin homepage, you will be able to view all available sites for your company.